Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions about our products and services. We are always happy to answer them at your convenience, but here are some of the most common things we get to explain:

Are your products guaranteed?
  • Of course! We build high quality products to meet your needs and expectations, and always back them up with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Do you do inkjet supplies?
  • We don’t! And there is a reason: our technicians are trained and experienced in working with laser printer components, and we feel laser technology offers better quality, reliability, and value than inkjet systems.
How does this work? Do I have to be without my printer while you rebuild the cartridges?
  • We like to keep things as simple as possible for our customers. We keep a large inventory of a variety of cartridges ready to go, so all you need to do is call us. We will stop by with full replacement cartridges, take away your empties, and presto! You’re ready to get back to printing.

From our experience, the best way to do things is for customers to carry a spare cartridge. As soon as your printer runs empty, you pop your spare cartridge into the machine, call us, and we’ll pick up the empty and drop off a fresh spare. Eliminates downtime completely!

Does using remanufactured cartridges void my printer’s warranty?
  • Absolutely not! Our cartridges are remanufactured to exact standards with high quality materials. We are so confident in them that we back up every machine in which our cartridges operate with a 100% Replacement Guarantee.

(more to come!)

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